Disclaimer to and Warranty
by Users of Pierce County Data

Limitations - The County makes no warranty, expresses or implied, concerning the data's content, accuracy, currency or completeness, or concerning the results to be obtained from queries or use of the data. ALL DATA IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. The County makes no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and no representation as to the quality of any data. Users of data are responsible for ensuring the accuracy, currency and other qualities of all products (including maps, reports, displays and analysis) produced from or in connection with Pierce County's GIS data. No employee or agent of Pierce County is authorized to waive or modify this paragraph. If a User informs others that a product is based upon Pierce County's data, the County specifically requests and directs that the User also disclose the limitations contained in this paragraph and in paragraph 4.

Data Interpretation - Pierce County data is developed and maintained solely for County business functions, and use or interpretation of data by the Users or others is the solely their responsibility. The County does not provide data interpretation services.

Spatial Accuracy - Map data can be plotted or represented at various scales other than the original source of the data. The data User is responsible for adhering to industry standard mapping practices which specify that data utilized in a map or analysis, separately or in combination with other data, will be produced at the largest scale common to all data sets. For example: if the zoning data scale is 1"=200' and the city boundary data set is 1"=2000', the data sets should be used at a scale of 1"=2000' or smaller.

No County Liability - Pierce County shall not be liable to the User (or transferees or vendees of User) for damages of any kind, including lost profits, lost savings or any other incidental or consequential damages relating to the providing of the data or the use of it. The User shall have no remedy at law or equity against the County in case the data provided is inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise defective in any way.